Marketing dictionary- S

S-Type Response
a response to an advertisement or an advertising campaign which is slow to take effect but gradually gathers pace. See C-Type Response.
Safety Needs
the desire of humans for safety, shelter, security and warmth. See Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.
Safety Recall
the request by a manufacturer for the return of a particular batch or model of a product (for repair, replacement or credit) when the product has been found to be defective or unsafe.
Safety Stock
a level of stock over and above expected requirements held in inventory as a precaution against unusually heavy demand, delays in supply, etc.
Salary Plan
a salesforce compensation method in which salespeople are paid a straight salary; a salary plan approach provides security and stability but may not provide the incentive associated with commission payments. See Straight Salary.
Sale Advertising
advertising, common in retailing, which announces the sale of products at temporarily or permanently reduced prices.
Sale of Goods Acts
various state legislation aimed at safeguarding consumers by ensuring that goods offered for sale are of reasonable quality and fit for their intended purpose.
Sales Administration-to-Sales Ratio
a marketing control measure used to determine whether the amount spent on sales administration in a given period was excessive; total expenditure on sales administration is expressed as a percentage of total sales revenue for the same period.
Sales Agents
see Outside Sales Facilities.
Sales Analysis
the break-down of sales figures by region, product, customer, market, etc. for a given period as a control measure.
Sales Aptitude Tests
tests used to determine the suitability of applicants for positions in the sales force.
Sales Branch
a manufacturer's office established simply to facilitate sales; no manufacturing is done at this location.
Sales Calls
the visits salespeople make to a buyer's premises in order to sell their companies' products.
Sales Contests
sales promotions aimed at members of a company's sales force; sales contests are competitions designed to boost sales and lift performance by offering awards or prizes to top-achievers in a sales team in a given period.
Sales Effect of Advertising
the effectiveness of an advertisement or advertising campaign in boosting sales of a product; generally hard to measure as sales may be influenced by factors other than advertising, such as the product's price, its other features, its availability and the actions of competitors. See Advertising Effectiveness.
Sales Effect Research
marketing research to assess the effect an advertisement or some other promotional activity is having, or has had, on sales of the product being advertised. See Advertising Effectiveness.
Sales Engineer
a salesperson hired primarily for engineering knowledge or strong technical skills.
Sales Force Composite
a method of forecasting future demand for a product by adding together what each member of the sales force expects to be able to sell in his or her territory.
Sales Force Mix
the mix of individual territory representatives, national account sales teams, telemarketers, etc in a firm's total salesforce.
Sales Forecast
an estimation of the likely volume of sales, measured in dollars and units, for a future planning period; typically, sales forecasting is done on the basis of past trends, sales force estimations, survey of consumer buying intentions, managerial judgement, or quantitative models.
Sales Itinerary
a written schedule of planned sales calls, specifying the date, location and objective of each call.
Sales Kit
a collection of sales materials, such as brochures, calendars, signs and posters, prepared to explain a particular promotion to retailers; it will usualy include a full advertising schedule..
Sales Leads
telephone inquiries, letters, responses to advertising or direct mail, etc that direct a salesperson to a prospective customer.
Sales Literature
printed materials (brochures, catalogues, price lists, etc.) to be used as selling aids.
Sales Management
the process of planning, organising, controlling and evaluating the activities of the sales force.
Sales Manual
a set of printed materials containing product descriptions and related information for the guidance of sales representatives and their customers.
Sales Office
premises of a organisation used as a base for all or part of the sales team but not for carrying inventory.
Sales Orientation
see Selling Concept.
Sales Party
a form of non-store retailing in which a manufacturer's products are displayed, for group selling, at an in-home party.
Sales Personnel Recruitment
identifying appropriate sources of sales personnel and attracting applicants to the firm.
Sales Planning
the assessment of the current situation in a sales region, the setting of objectives, the formulation of strategies and tactics, and the establishment of control and evaluation procedures.
Sales Potential
an organisation's expected sales of a product in a given market for a specified period; the share of the total market that a firm can reasonably expect to attain in a given time. See Market Potential.
Sales Presentation
a salesperson's persuasive demonstration or display of a product to a prospective buyer in order to make a sale.
Sales Promotion
a form of promotion which encourages customers to buy products by offering incentives, such as contests, coupons, sweepstakes, samples, free gifts and so on; one of the four major elements (with advertising, personal selling and publicity) of the promotion mix.
Sales Promotion-to-Sales Ratio
a marketing control measure used to determine whether the amount spent on sales promotion was excessive; total expenditure on sales promotion in a given period is expressed as a percentage of total sales revenue for the same period.
Sales Quota
a sales assignment, goal or target set for a salesperson in a given accounting period; commonly used types of sales quotas are dollar volume quotas, unit volume quotas, gross margin quotas, net profit quotas and activity quotas.
Sales Rally
a meeting or conference held specifically to motivate members of the sales team to greater efforts with a particular product or product range.
Sales Report
a salesperson's detailed record of sales calls and results for a given period; typically, a sales report will include information such as the sales volume per product or product line, the number of existing and new accounts called upon, and the expenses incurred in making the calls. See Call Report.
Sales Representative
a salesperson; an individual employed to sell goods on behalf of a producer or some other member of a marketing channel by contacting prospective customers and developing in them an interest in the company's products.
Sales Quota
the expected level of sales for a territory in a given period; a sales quota is the expression of a territory's volume and profit objectives.
Sales Resistance
anything the prospective buyer says or does to prevent or delay the salesperson from closing the sale. See Objections.
Sales Tactics
the planned day-to-day activities of the sales team when implementing the strategies it hopes will achieve its objectives.
Sales Tasks
the job activities carried out by salespeople; these may include direct selling tasks (making product presentations to prospective buyers, etc), indirect selling tasks (mailing sales literature to new and prospective accounts, etc) and non-selling tasks (attending sales meetings, writing call reports, etc).
Sales Territory
the specific region or group of customers for which a salesperson has direct responsibility.
Sales Territory Performance Modelling
a method of evaluating sales territory performance in which a model depicting the environmental factors that may have impacted upon it, and upon the salesperson assigned to it, is constructed; the model assists a sales supervisor to better understand the quality of the performance.
Sales Training
formal or informal coaching in sales methods, product knowledge, and account handling given to a sales representative by another more experienced salesperson, a sales manager or a specialist sales trainer.
Sales Volume
the total revenue produced or the total number of units of a product sold in a given period.
Sales Volume Analysis
a detailed study of an organisation's sales, in terms of units or revenue, for a specified period; the analysis of sales volume (by sales region or territory, industry, customer type, etc) is commonly used as an aid in determining the effectiveness of the selling effort.
Sales Wave Experiment
a technique used to test consumer reaction to new products prior to full-scale commercialisation; new products are placed in consumer homes to determine the reaction to them, and the rate at which the products are repurchased is tracked.
Sales-Response Function
a measure of the likely level of sales in a given period at different levels of expenditure on any of the major marketing mix variables.
products distributed free of charge to prospective buyers to promote future purchases.
a promotional activity in which consumers are allowed to experience a good or service free of charge or at a greatly reduced cost.
Sampling Error
a measure of the extent to which the chosen sample in a marketing research study can be expected to represent the total population on the characteristics being studied.
Sampling Frame
the source from which sampling units (respondents) are chosen in a marketing research study; commonly used sampling frames are telephone books and electoral rolls.
Sampling Plan
a scheme outlining the group (or groups) to be surveyed in a marketing research study, how many individuals within the group are to be chosen, and on what basis that choice is to be made.
Sampling Principle
the idea that a small number of randomly chosen units (the sample) of a total population (the universe) will tend to have the same characteristics, and in the same proportion, as the population as a whole.
Sampling Unit
the individual members chosen from a total population as respondents in a marketing research study.
a planning philosophy implying a firm's intention to continue to carry on its present operations in much the same way as it has always done . See Adaptivising, Optimising.
abbrev. Strategic Business Unit.
Scaled Response
questions requiring respondents to a survey to rate a company, product, service, etc. on a scale provided.
see Environmental Scanning.
Scanner Systems
electronic equipment which allows product bar codes to be read; the information recorded by the scanning devices is used in marketing decision making, including inventory control. See Bar Codes.
Scrambled Assortment
an assortment strategy in which a reseller decides to carry dissimilar or unrelated lines to generate additional sales; for example, a newsagency might add indoor plants and housewares to its range of newspapers, stationery and books. Also known as Scrambled Merchandising. See Assortment Strategies; Broad Assortment; Deep Assortment; Exclusive Assortment.
Scrambled Merchandising
see Scrambled Assortment.
an early stage in the new product development process when ideas for new products are sifted or screened to identify those that the firm might profitably develop; two broad approaches to idea screening are possible: managerial judgement and customer evaluation. See Drop Error; Go Error; New Product Development.
Screening Interview
an early stage in the sales hiring process when supervisors meet with applicants to arouse further interest in the most promising and to identify those who are unsuitable.
Seasonal Discount
a reduced price to encourage the purchase of a particular product in the off-season; perhaps better thought of as an "out-of-season" discount. See Discount.
Seasonal Forecast Adjustments
the adjustment of monthly forecasts based on time series projections of historical data to take account of short-term changes in volume caused by seasonal variations.
Seasonal Stock
inventory additional to expected needs kept in case of an unusually heavy seasonal demand or for promotional campaigns; also referred to as Promotional Stock.
Secondary Data
information that is obtained from previously published materials, such as books, magazines, newspapers, government census publications and company reports and files. See Primary Data.
Secondary Packaging
a box or other protective wrapping in which the product in its primary package is kept until ready for use. See Primary packaging; Shipping Packaging.
Secondary Research
the collection of marketing research data using previously published sources. See Primary Research.
see Market Segmentation.
Segmentation Bases - the basic dimensions
geographic, demographic, psychographic and behaviouristic - upon which a heterogeneous market can be divided into relatively homogeneous groups.
Segmentation Strategies
specific marketing approaches available to, or taken by, a firm in relation to the market segment or segments it wishes to target; four specific segmentation strategies are available - concentrated segmentation strategy, market segment expansion strategy, product line expansion strategy and differentiated segmentation strategy. See Concentrated Segmentation Strategy; Market Segment Expansion Strategy; Product Line Expansion Strategy; Differentiated Segmentation Strategy.
acronym for Situation analysis; Explicit statement of the problem; Laying out the research design and collecting data; Evaluating the data and making a decision; Creating a plan to implement the decision and Testing the correctness of the decision - a six-step approach to the process of marketing research.
Selective Advertising
advertising intended to create demand for a specific brand rather than for the whole product category or class.
Selective Binding Programs for Advertisers
the customising of magazines and similar print media for specific groups of subscribers and advertisers; in selective binding programs, same issue of a magazine can be tailored for different audiences.
Selective Demand
demand for a specific brand within a particular product class.
Selective Distortion
the perceptual process which occurs when people subconsciously try to make new information fit their old ideas about something. See Selective Exposure; Selective Retention.
Selective Distribution
making a product available in more than one outlet, but not in as many as are willing to stock it; also referred to as Selective Selling. See Distribution Intensity.
Selective Exposure
the perception by an individual of certain, more relevant, facts or advertisements but not of others; also called Selective Perception. See Selective Distortion; Selective Retention.
Selective Perception
see Selective Exposure.
Selective Retention
the perceptual process in which people subconsciously are most apt to remember information that confirms their previously held attitudes. See Selective Exposure; Selective Distortion.
Selective Selling
see Selective Distribution.
a form of consumer sales promotion in which money and proof of purchase of a product (package tops, labels, etc) are traded in for an item of merchandise, usually sold below normal retail price; also called a self-liquidating premium.
see Selling-In.
Sell-Off Period
the duration of a particular sales promotion; the time from the launch of the sales promotion to the end of the special offer.
Sell-Through Quantity
the quantity of merchandise required for a sales promotion.
Seller's Market
a market in which there is a shortage of particular goods or services for sale.
Selling Agent
see Agent.
Selling Concept
the philosophy or orientation of an organisation which emphasises aggressive selling to achieve its objectives; firms characterised by this approach often rely upon pressure selling and manipulative sales techniques to win business.
Selling Formulas
various formulae used by salespeople to guide their presentations to buyers. See AIDA; Formula Selling.
Selling Process
the separate, but related, stages forming the activity of personal selling; these include preapproach, approach, need identification, presentation, handling objections, closing the sale and post-sale follow-up.
Selling Proposition
see Unique Selling Proposition.
Selling Up
a practice in selling aimed at convincing the customer to buy a higher-priced item than the one originally enquired about.
the process of educating the salesforce and distributors to sell a new product as part of the preparation for its launch; the development of sales kits, briefings on the target market and competition, and outlining the organisation's plans to create consumer demand may be involved. See Commercialisation; New Product Development.
Semantic Differential
a rating scale technique using pairs of words of opposite meaning.
Seminar Selling
bringing together a number of prospective buyers at the same time for a sales presentation.
the originator of the message in the communication process; also called the Source. See Communication Process.
Sensory Retailing
a recent trend in retailing in which the retailer attempts to position the store and attract customers by making a visit to it an exciting visual, auditory, etc. experience. See Atmospherics.
Sequential Segmentation
the division of a heterogeneous market into relatively homogeneous groups on one basis (for example, geographically), followed by further segmentation on some other basis (for example, end-user type).
Served Market
that part of the total market which a company decides to target; also called the Target Market.
an intangible product; any product offering that is essentially intangible.
Service Form Competitors
organisations offering products of different types which can help an individual to fulfil a particular desire. For example, a person who wants to do a creative hobby course could enrol in a photography course conducted by the YWCA or a painting course conducted by the Council of Adult Education; these course providers are service form competitors..
Service Heterogeneity
see Variability.
Service Inseparability
see Inseparability.
Service Intangibility
see Intangibility.
Service Management System
the equivalent of a product management system for service organisations.
Service Mark
a mark, sign, symbol, slogan, etc. that performs the same function for a service as a trademark does for a tangible product.
Service Mix
the range of services offered by a services marketing company.
Service Perishability
see Perishability.
Service Sector
the part of industry or business which deals with the marketing and selling of intangible products rather than physical goods.
Service Variability
see Variability.
Service-Firm-Sponsored Retail Franchising
a system of service product delivery in which an organisation producing a service (eg. car rental, restaurants, financial services, etc.) sets up a number of independently-owned franchised outlets in locations convenient to its customers. See Franchising.
Services Characteristics
the features of services that distinguish them from tangible products; these are intangibility, variability, inseparability and perishability. See Inseparability; Intangibility; Perishability; Variability.
Services Marketing
the marketing of intangible products, such as hairdressing, cleaning, insurance and travel.
Services Selling
the selling of intangible products.
Shelf Facings
the number of units of a product that are visible at the front of a retail store shelf; generally, high-volume categories will be allocated more shelf facings than low-volume categories. See Shelf Management.
Shelf Fee
See Slotting Allowance.
Shelf Life
the period of time in which a product can remain on display in a retail store before the expiration of its "use by" date. -
Shelf Management
the process of determining the number and location of shelf facings in a retail store. See Shelf Facings.
a sign or tag used in a retail store to focus customer attention on a promoted product; especially useful in in-aisle promotions when products are difficult to shelve in special ways.
Shipping Packaging
outer packaging (cartons, for example) in which products are packed for storage and transport. See Primary Packaging; Secondary Packaging.
Shopping Goods
consumer goods that the customer typically compares for suitability, quality, price, features, etc. before selection and purchase. See Convenience Goods; Specialty Goods.
Short-Run Average Cost
the average cost per unit of production of a set or group of products in the short term. Note that in the long term, the average cost may be lower due to the effect of experience. See Average Cost; Long-Run Average Cost.
Short-Term Profit Maximisation
a pricing objective in which a firm aims to make as much profit as possible as quickly as possible; maximum market penetration and long-term profit considerations are ignored.
a term used in retailing to refer to the theft of merchandise by customers and employees; measures to control shrinkage include mirrors, video cameras, security guards and alarms that sound when tagged merchandise is carried out of the store.
see Substantiality.
Silent Close
a closing technique in which the salesperson presents or demonstrates the product to the prospective buyer and then deliberately stops talking; the salesperson simply waits for a favourable response from the buyer. See Close.
Simple Random Sample
a sample in which each member of the population has an equal chance of being chosen.
Simulated Store Test
a form of pre-testing of new product introductions prior to full-scale commercialisation; to study their behaviour towards the new products, consumers selected from the target market are asked to shop in test supermarket facilities into which the new products have been placed.
Single Brand Name
a brand name which is not accompanied by any other family or corporate brand name; for example, "Surf" washing powder; "Pal" dog food, etc. Sometimes called an Individual Brand name. See Individual Brand Name; Corporate Branding; Family Brand; Product Line Brand Name.
Single Niching
a strategy followed by companies which operate in only one market niche. See Market Niche; Multiple Niching.
Single-Line Store
a retail store selling a wide assortment of goods in a basic line, such as women's clothing, hardware, cosmetics.
Single-Product Strategy
the decision by a producer to offer only one product variant with few, if any, options.
Single-Source Data
marketing research information, collected from the same source - by people-meters and scanning devices, for example - that makes it possible to link an individual's purchasing behaviour to specific media exposure.
Single-Zone Pricing
see Delivered Pricing; Uniform Delivered Price.
Singles Market
a market segment, regarded as both a lifestyle and a demographic category, which includes widowed and divorced people as well as "never-been-married" singles.
Sink-or-Swim Sales Training
the practice of throwing new sales recruits straight into the field without formal training so that they have to learn fast or risk losing their jobs. See Sales Training.
Situation Analysis
the process of gathering information on the internal and external environments to assess the firm's current strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and to guide its goals and objectives. See SWOT Analysis.
see Market Skimming Pricing.
Skim-the-Cream Pricing
see Market Skimming Pricing.
abbrev. Stock-Keeping Unit.
Sliding Commission
a compensation method in which salespeople are paid commissions at a changing rate depending on the quantity sold. See Progressive Commission; Regressive Commission.
Sliding Down the Demand Curve
a pricing method in which the initial price is set at the highest possible level and then gradually reduced to attract successive waves of purchasers as demand diminishes.
in sales promotion, the percentage of purchasers who fail to redeem an offer made with the purchase.
Slotting Allowance
a fee paid by a manufacturer to a supermarket chain for shelf space for a new product; also referred to as the Stocking Allowance, Introductory Allowance, Shelf Fee or Street Money.
Small Order Problem
the problem of coping with sales orders which are so small that the cost of filling them offsets the profit.
Smart Card
an ultra-thin card, similar to a bankcard or credit card, containing computer chips capable of receiving, storing and transmitting significant amounts of data with marketing applications.
Social Audit
a review and evaluation of the social benefits and social costs pertaining to a particular product.
Social Class
the level of society to which an individual belongs; Australians, generally, perceive themselves as being members of either the upper-middle class, middle class or working class.
Social Marketing
the design, implementation and control of marketing activity intended to promote social causes or ideas within a target group in a society; a form of non-profit marketing.
Social Responsibility in Marketing
the recognition by marketers that the well-being of society and customer satisfaction are as important as profits in assessing marketing performance.
Social Risk
concern or uncertainty in the buyer's mind that the purchase of the product under consideration will not be approved of by others. See Risk.
Sociocultural Environment
that part of the firm's external marketing environment in which social or cultural changes (that is, changes to the value system of a society) act to affect the firm's marketing effort; the changing sociocultural environment may pose threats or present opportunities.
Socioeconomic Variables
factors of a social and economic nature (occupation, income, etc) which indicate a person's status within a community.
Soft Sell
a low-pressure selling situation; a selling situation in which the buyer has no feeling of being coerced. See Hard Sell.
Sole Survivor
the final stage in the family life cycle; two sub-categories are used by marketers in examining consumer behaviour - sole survivor, working and sole survivor, retired. Also called Solitary Survivor. See Family Life Cycle.
Solitary Survivor
see Sole Survivor.
Solo Mailing
a database innovation in which a customised marketing piece is prepared to appeal to one individual's interests.
see Sender.
Source Attractiveness
in personal selling, the likeability or personableness of the salesperson.
Source Credibility
in personal selling, the believability of the salesperson.
Source Objection
an objection by a prospective buyer levelled against the firm represented by the salesperson.
Special Event Pricing
reducing prices in retail stores at certain times of the year (e.g. immediately after Christmas) to attract customers.
Special Interest Groups
groups of consumers with concerns about particular products or product categories; for example, special interest groups have spoken out about the marketing of cigarettes, high-sugar breakfast cereals for children, fast foods with low nutritional value, etc.
Special Rate
see Commodity Rate.
Speciality Merchandise Wholesaler
a wholesaler that specialises in one product line (or a few product lines) but carries the line or lines in considerable depth.
Speciality Retailing
retail stores offering limited, specialised lines but carrying a deep assortment within the lines.
Specialty Advertising
an advertiser's message printed on small items such as diaries, note-pads and key-rings, usually to give away without obligation to prospective customers.
Specialty Distributor
a distributor that concentrates on one product line but carries a deep assortment within the line.
Specialty Goods
consumer goods for which the customer has strong preference and is prepared to search for extensively to select and purchase the most suitable. See Convenience Goods; Shopping Goods.
Specialty Store
a retail store typically carrying only one, or part of one, product line but having considerable depth within the line; examples include stores selling only jogging shoes for women, or men's hats.
Sponsor Training
pairing sales recruits with experienced salespeople who are responsible for their training in the field.
see Corporate Sponsorship.
Spot Buy
in advertising, the buying of media time in a few selected markets only.
a person who receives a fee for providing a salesperson with leads to prospects to whom sales are made.
an accountant's worksheet; electronic spreadsheets consist of a grid of rows of columns enabling specific marketing data to be organised in a standardised way. See Spreadsheet Analysis.
Spreadsheet Analysis
the analysis of data using special computer software to anticipate marketing performance under a given set of circumstances.
SRO Technique
see Standing Room Only.
Stabilising Price
a price set for a product with the intention of keeping prices steady within an industry in order to avoid a price war.
a term coined to describe a situation which exists in an economy when high unemployment and rising prices and wages occur together.
Standard Product Classes
categories into which products are grouped using formal systems such as the Australian Standard Industrial Classification and the Australian Standard Commodity Classification. See Australian Bureau of Statistics; Casual Product Classes.
Standard Test Market
a form of test market in which the company selects a small number of representative cities in which to trial the full marketing mix prior to a new product launch. See Test Marketing.
Standardised Marketing Mix
a strategy employed by a multinational company in attempting to use one marketing mix to sell its products world-wide; the approach minimises cost but may result in a smaller market than would be possible with a unique marketing program for each country. See Customised Marketing Mix.
Standing Room Only
a closing technique in which the salesperson tries to get a quick commitment to a purchase by telling the buyer that the demand for the product is heavy and that only a limited quantity is left. See Close.
a sub-category of convenience goods consisting of frequently purchased foodstuffs. See Convenience Goods.
Starch Readership Report
a technique for post-testing advertising effectiveness devised in 1923 by Daniel Starch, at that time a lecturer at the Harvard Business School; interviewers ask selected readers of magazines to recall particular advertisements.
products in the portfolio characterised by high market share in a rapidly growing market. See Boston Consulting Group Product Portfolio Analysis Matrix.
State-of-Being Segmentation
see Demographics.
State-of-Mind Segmentation
see Psychographics.
Stated Objection
the reason given by a prospective buyer for not accepting the product offered; the stated objection may conceal the true objection. See Objections; Invalid Objections; Valid Objections.
Statistical Bank
a range of statistical techniques used in analysis in a marketing information system to discover the degree of reliability of the data collected and the relationships within it. See Marketing Information System.
Status Quo Strategy
a reactive marketing strategy characterised by a desire to avoid confrontation with competitors; the company seeks to keep things in the industry the way they were, and thus avoid the expensive task on taking on a competitor directly.
Steering Control System
a system of marketing control in which allows for the detection of unsatisfactory marketing performance during, rather than at the end of, a planning period so that prompt corrective action can be taken; a reactive marketing control system. See Adaptive Control System; After-the-Fact Control System; Proactive Control System; Reactive Control System.
Stimulational Marketing
marketing activity intended to stimulate demand for a product among those who are neither aware of it nor interested in it.
Stimulus-Response Approach
an approach to selling which relies on the salesperson's ability to say the right thing (stimulus) in order to obtain a favourable reaction from the buyer (response); often referred to as the Canned Approach because a script is commonly used.
Stock-Keeping Unit
see Product Item.
Stock Point
the level at which stock needs to be re-ordered.
Stock Turnover Rate
see Stockturn Rate.
Stock-Taking Unit
see Product Item.
Stocking Allowance
see Slotting Allowance.
Stockless Purchasing
a practice in which the vendor retains responsibility for carrying the bulk of the inventory and supplies items to a reseller on short notice.
Stockturn Rate
a measure of the operating efficiency of a business; it indicates the "turn over" (that is, sales of the average level of stock held in inventory) in an operating period. Also called the Stock Turnover Rate.
Store Atmosphere
see Atmospherics.
Store Audit
a source of retail store information collected by marketing research firms (A.C.Neilson, for example) and supplied to manufacturers on a subscription basis; the information is compiled by subtracting end of period inventory for a product from inventory at the beginning of the period plus shipments. See Syndicated Marketing Research Firms.
Store Decor
see Atmospherics.
Store Image
see Atmospherics.
a tool used in planning a television commercial; a poster showing a series of miniature television screens depicting the sequence of scenes in a commercial with the words to accompany each picture written below it.
Straight Rebuy
a purchase in which the customer buys the same goods in the same quantity on the same terms from the same supplier. See Buy Classes; Modified Rebuy; New Task Buying.
Straight Salary
a compensation method in which a salesperson receives salary but no commission on sales. See Salary Plan.
Strategic Business Unit
a separate operating division of a company
with some degree of autonomy; commonly referred to as an SBU.
Strategic Control
the regular and systematic checking that the company's strategies are appropriate to its marketing opportunities and resources.
Strategic Gap
the difference between a company's profit objectives for a given future period and its projected level of profit for the same period.
Strategic Group
any group of companies which pursue the same clear strategies to achieve their marketing objectives.
Strategic Marketing Concept
a philosophy, focus, orientation or concept which emphasises the proper identification of marketing opportunities as the basis for marketing planning and corporate growth; unlike the marketing concept which emphasises consumer needs and wants, the strategic marketing concept emphasises both consumers and competitors. See Marketing Concept.
Strategic Marketing Plan
a plan outlining marketing opportunities matched to the resources and abilities of the company.
Strategic Planning
the process of determining the company's objectives and courses of action and the allocation of the necessary resources to achieve them.
Strategic Profit Model
a tool used to assess a firm's profitability; return on equity is calculated by multiplying the net profit margin by the asset turnover to obtain the return on assets which, in turn, is multiplied by the financial leverage. See Asset Turnover; Financial Leverage; Net Profit Margin; Return on Assets; Return on Equity.
Strategic Window
the point of time at which the right environmental conditions exist for a particular marketing opportunity; also referred to as a Window of Opportunity.
Strategy - a broad plan of action by which an organisation hopes to achieve one or more of its marketing objectives. See Tactic.
Stratified Sample
a form of probability sample where respondents are chosen from a random sample of homogeneous sub-groups (according to a common characteristic) into which the total population has been divided. See Cluster Sample.
Street Money
see Slotting Allowance.
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
see SWOT; SWOT Analysis..
Strip Centre
a shopping centre in which the stores are located along a suburban roadway.
Style Flexing
a deliberate attempt on the part of a salesperson to adjust his or her communication style to suit the personality of the buyer. See Adaptive Selling.
broad groups of consumers within a society's culture having similar values which distinguish them from the rest of society.
Subliminal Perception
the receipt and interpretation of stimuli received through the senses at a subconscious level.
a situation occurring in large companies when departmental or divisional leaders attempt to achieve the objectives of their particular sections at the expense of other sections.
one of the four major requirements (with accessibility, actionability and substantiality) for useful market segmentation; substantiality expresses the notion that the segment chosen as the target market must be large enough to be profitable. Also referred to as Significance. See Accessibility; Actionability; Measurability.
Substitute Products
products that buyers perceive as having some characteristics and utilities in common (for example, potatoes and rice).
Suggestion Selling
a practice in which the salesperson seeks to increase the value of the sale by suggesting related lines, special promotions or seasonal merchandise to complement the original purchase; also called Suggestive Selling.
Suggestive Selling
see Suggestion Selling.
Summative Close
a closing technique in which the salesperson summarises the features and benefits of the product of prime interest to the buyer point by point. See Close.
Super-Speciality Store
a retail store selling only one line of a very superior quality product or offering a very superior quality service in a limited range of goods.
individuals or organisations from which businesses purchase the goods and services they require to operate.
a method of obtaining primary data in a marketing research study by the use of interviews, either face-to-face, by telephone or by mail.
Survey of Buyer Intentions
a forecasting technique in which known purchasers of a product are asked to predict their requirements for a given future period.
sales prospects who have not yet been qualified; sales leads. See Qualifying the Prospect; Sales Leads.
Sustainable Competitive Advantage
the competitive edge sought by a firm which will allow it to satisfy customer needs while maintaining an advantage over its rivals because of the uniqueness of its products or its lower production or marketing costs.
a type of consumer sales promotion in which purchasers of a particular product are given an opportunity of winning attractive prizes; winners are chosen purely by chance. Also called a Lottery.
acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.
SWOT Analysis
an examination of the internal environment of a firm (mission, objectives, strategies, resources, trends, etc) to identify particular strengths and weaknesses, and its external environment (demographic, economic, technological, social and cultural, legal and political, and natural forces) to identify particular opportunities and threats. See SWOT.
Symbiotic Marketing
a marketing method in which one manufacturer sells its finished product to another for resale under the second manufacturer's label where that manufacturer already has access to the market through a well-established distribution system.
Synchro marketing
marketing activity intended to shift the pattern of demand to that it equates more suitably with the ideal pattern of supply.
Syncratic Decision
a purchase decision in which both husband and wife have equal influence. See Autonomic Decision.
Syndicated Marketing Research Firms
marketing research agencies which specialise in gathering consumer and product information and selling it to subscribers who use it as secondary marketing data for a variety of marketing purposes.
see Marketing Synergy.
Systematic Sample
a sample drawn strictly according to a pre-determined formula; for example, every eighth, or twelfth, or twentieth, etc. name is chosen.
Systems Buying
buying a complete solution to a problem or need rather than a number of component parts; for example, an organisation may purchase an entire accounting system from one supplier rather than computers from one supplier, software from another, staff training from another, and so on. See Systems Selling.
Systems Selling
selling a complete solution to a problem or need rather than one or more of the component parts. For example, a swimming pool manufacturer might also sell landscaping, filtration equipment, pool chemicals, etc. See Systems Buying.


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