Ensure Every Page of WebDesign Offers Value
A website essentially communicates, with that said, content planning and writing is more important than web design. Go ahead and prepare the content. Writing good content is not as easy as it sounds. One need to spend a lot of time to accomplish good content, involving a professional writer is a good idea. How do we define a good web design? Clear, uncluttered layout, good readability, interesting information and intuitive navigation is our definition of a good web design. Avoid distractions such as animations, sound effects and scrolling text. Most people believe animations will hold the attention, but the opposite is true. Unsolicited ads surely drive people away from websites and so does scrolling text. Running text is hard to register and human’s read in their own pace, which is impossible with scrolling text. Remember web design is created in the interest of the visitor and not to satisfy the web designer or the business owner. An elegant web design that engages the visitor is...