HISTORY OF RETAIL IN THE WORLD According to world history, the Romans are the first civilization to establish a sophisticated form of retailing. Numerous small shops were set up with centers. In fact, ancient ruins indicate that the world's first department store was in Rome!! With the fall of this empire, retailing disintegrated. By the 12th century artisan and tradesmen began to organize into "guilds" and opened up small shops. They helped them gain social and economic advantages. American retailing institutions originated after 1850.It is the first country to start retailing. After that, department stores became important. For example, Richs was established in Atlanta in 1867 by 4 Hungarian immigrants. Simon Lazarus, an immigrant from Poland, opened a men's clothing store in Columbus, Ohio in 1851. As department stores grew in cities, Rural citizens made us of catalogs from mail order houses. This allowed them to get the goods they needed without the has...
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